Conditions we can treat/help

Due to very strict regulations on advertising, we can not list all the conditions/ illnesses/ diseases that we can help/treat.

“The key to mastering health is to regulate the Yin and the Yang of the body.
If the Yin and Yang balance is disrupted, it is like going through a year with spring but no winter, or winter but no summer.
When the Yang qi is excessive and cannot contain itself, the Yin will become consumed.
Only when the Yin remains calm and harmonious will the Yang qi be contained and not be overly expansive, the Spirit normal, and the Mind clear.
If the Yin and the Yang separate, the Jing/ Essence and the Shen/ Spirit will also leave each other.”

Are you suffering from physical and/ or emotional/psychological conditions, illnesses or diseases?

We can help you to restore your wellness.

Have you seen Shawn yet?

Shawn knows what he is doing.

Shawn loves what he is doing.

Shawn uses his academic excellence and extensive clinical experience to find the most beneficial treatment for his patients. His compassionate nature coupled with a standard of excellence ensures his patients a great experience at ACE Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine Clinic.

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